In snooker, jump shots are prohibited. This shot is deemed a foul if you hit the wrong ball in the improper sequence. After that, it’s the turn of the opposing player, and no points are scored. The table is cleared of foul red balls, but foul coloured balls are re-spotted.
Balls re-spotting
Color balls are rearranged in the same order as they were at the start of the game. If this area is already filled by another ball, the ball is moved to the vacant spot of the highest value colour. If all of these places are taken, the re-spotted ball must be placed as close as practicable to its original starting position on a straight line between its spot and the nearest point on the top cushion, according to snooker rules.
In 8 Ball Pool, what is Snooker?
Snooker is a noun that refers to a specific scenario. When the cue ball and the ball you’re trying to hit don’t have a direct path, it’s called snooker. To accomplish this, you’ll need to make a kick shot, in which the cue ball bounces off one or more rails before hitting the targeted ball.
Snooker is a popular British billiards game played on a table with markings and dimensions identical to those used in English billiards. In the 1870s, the game began as a soldier’s game, most likely in India. The game is played with 22 balls: one white ball (the cue ball); 15 red balls worth 1 point each; one yellow ball worth 2 points; one green ball worth 3 points; one brown ball worth 4 points; one blue ball worth 5 points; one pink ball worth 6 points; and one black ball worth 7 points. Players attempt to pocket the red and nonred balls in that order, scoring one point for each red and the number value of the others.
To begin, place the balls as follows: All reds in a pyramid with the apex on the pyramid spot; black near the foot of the table on the billiard spot; pink touching the apex of the pyramid; blue at the centre spot; and green, brown, and yellow at the left, centre, and right of the straight line of the D, a semicircular area at the head of the table.